Past. Present. Future.

November 2021
When not at school, Griffin Siersma practices his music for Pioneer Theater Guilds’ production of “Les Miserablés.” The shows were supposed to be this week, but both of Pioneer’s auditoriums were closed towards the beginning of the year for an unscheduled renovation. “We were scheduled for three rehearsals, once a week,” Siersma said. “We’ll have our next rehearsal on Monday, and that will be with the full pit orchestra, which includes the professional musicians and percussion; and the week after we’ll just do, like a seated rehearsal for the entire cast.”
November 2021
Hyacinth Held takes ASL at CHS. In that class, she has not only learned how to shape individual words or letters with her hands, but she also has learned sentence structure and deaf culture. “A lot of words in the English language aren’t in ASL, so there’s no ‘I went,’ you would just say ‘I go past,’ because it’s in the past.” Held said. “You don’t learn go and wins and will go, you just learn go.”

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Past. Present. Future.

November 2021
Rita Ionides works as an analyst at a medical lab at the University of Michigan for her CR course. She took an existing computer system and developed it to analyze videos of rats and determine their behavior. “I'm trying to assemble a system so that when I graduate, and when I'm gone from the lab, it can be customized for any kind of experiment, as opposed to just the ones I work on,” Ionides said.
November 2021
Kyrie Garwood just finished her dive season at Pioneer High School. As a first-year diver, she learned different types of dives, but did not compete at any meets. “We practice with everyone else. There's nine girls on the team. So it's practice pretty much every day, like Monday through Friday, if we don't have a meet, and we practice for an hour and 15 minutes after school.” Garwood said. “We try and get better just as they're getting better.”

Interested in seeing more of my work? Please get in touch and I’ll be glad to share some more pieces with you.
Past. Present. Future.

November 2021
Thomas Reed is looking forward to being an MC for the Tabletop RPG club, which begins this week. The club features role-play campaign games, which Reed has been playing for about a year. “[I like] just playing the game in general; I've been like, maybe DM-ing now for a year or so,” said Reed.
November 2021
Coco Klun is a senior getting ready for going to college next year. She spent her Halloween at work, which has inspired her to go into nursing. “I work at a retirement community right now. And I think I just really enjoyed, like, that type of health care setting, and I'm doing a class at Huron for Health Sciences and I've been liking it.”

Interested in seeing more of my work? Please get in touch and I’ll be glad to share some more pieces with you.
Past. Present. Future.

November 2021
“There’s a lot less kids here than there are like Pioneer, and I thought I would be able to like, meet more people and I would become a little less introverted here.”
“I’ve talked to a few people. I got coffee with somebody. I also like the location, so, cause you can go get like food and stuff. I think within a couple of months I’ll be talking to more people.”
June 2022
“When I went to middle school, I went to Clague, and I think that Clague had a very bad association with CHS just because the parents were like ‘everything AP in high school, everything this and that,’ and CHS doesn't really offer that. It offers split enrollment, but that's kind of inconvenient. I was like, ‘I feel like it would be cool if I tried to get in [to CHS] because it's a lottery and if I don't like it, then I can transfer.’ And so I did, but I was put [low] on the waitlist, and so I went to Huron for my first year. That didn't go over so well for me. It just really wasn't what I was looking for because it was really competitive and I had a lot of burnout, and I felt bad trying to consistently compete with my peers for the best grade in the curve. Then I went to Community in 10th grade after I found out that I [got in]. They were like, 'Hey, we went to various other people [on the waiting list] and they said, no, they're okay. So do you want to come here?' I'm like, yes.”

Interested in seeing more of my work? Please get in touch and I’ll be glad to share some more pieces with you.